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Client: Pepsi

Agency: Laundry Service

Role: Senior Art Director

Partners: Cat Samarista, Sam Reimnitz

Filter Partner: PRISM XR

In 2021, Pepsi launched MTN DEW ENERGY (FKA RISE) with LeBron James, a brand new energy drink designed to take on the morning.

We were tapped to build dot com, develop the brand's tone of voice and create launch assets and evergreen content for social. We even transformed the flat, profile brand logo into an expressive and immersive AR face filter.


Sip RISE, activate filter, get after it.

Our goal with this filter was to create an expressive interpretation of the brand mark in all 6 flavor palettes. It's designed to be used in both selfie and front facing cameras, perfect for even the most active UGC content creation.

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